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T-Shirt needs his front left leg amputated. I don’t know how the fuck I’m going to afford it but I’ve made everything happen so far (and y’all have to, thank you)

Video is from when I had to give him tummy massages while recovering from a bout of stasis from antibiotics!

I’m tired, y’all. I’m so tired. Been fighting for these rabbits since mid August- four surgeries between all of them, soooo many rounds of different antibiotics, force feeding, force hydrating, then the general upkeep of four rabbits quarantined to a room in kennels because I can’t afford to get them fixed because SHIT KEEPS HAPPENING TO THEM. I’m facing over $1k, which was about the cost of getting the other 3 spayed and neutered, and I was so happy to finally be able to get that done and start introducing them so they didn’t have to alternate who get free roam for the day. I had it all worked out for summer plans- even working my job and classes around having adequate free time daily to do it.

This time it’s a bone infection from the neglect I took him from. From the abcesses he had from his first owner. I thought they were older than they are- he JUST turned a year old. It isn’t fair. He’s so young, he’s so happy, and now he might die. It’s a systemic infection, so ~$600 is for the surgery, ~$450 is for the biopsy of all major organs to ensure that nothing else is infected (because then we may need to consider euthanasia), and the other ~$300 is the medication involved. Fortunately, I have enough medication to probably shave $100 off.

I can probably make it happen for this Thursday, but that’s dipping into the student loans I’m paying off and I’m terrified of what will happen if another sudden big expense comes up. Fortunately, I may be able to recover that money but it will be damn near everything I make this summer after bills.

I’m not even asking for help here, I’m just venting because I’m so. Tired. I have final projects for the next few weeks that I’m behind on, I’m prepping for an inspection and finishing flea treatment from a surprise foster cat that was dumped on me (all animals on revolution, finally not seeing fleas, but definitely continuing the treatment for a long time to be sure). But it’s all survivable, I just know I’m in for a rough few months.

I wouldn’t change a thing. I felt like I lost my life for a little bit just with how tired and busy I was last quarter (quarter system at my uni doesn’t help lol), but I adapted, and these rabbits continue to fuel me every day. I have to get up to take care of them, and they get so happy to see me that it’s nearly impossible to be in a bad mood no matter how early it is when you have four adorable fluffy animals vying for your attention (I swear they want to be pet more than they even care about their salad and pellets, and that REALLY says something). They were all a bit grumpy (understandably) when I got them, so the fact that they all want ear scritches and massages before they even get their treats now is just… I can’t fathom the way they were treated before after getting to know them all. They’re so sweet, sassy, playful, and loving. They’re amazing and perfect creatures. I would genuinely lay down my life for them at this point.

That’s why I’m going to keep going. It’s why I’m going to make this happen somehow, some way. I can’t save the world, but I’ll be damned if I can’t at least try to save my little piece of it. I just needed to vent. I know y’all get it- y’all would do absolutely anything for your buns too, and I really need to just vent to people who understand me right now, because some people in my life wouldn’t understand

T-Shirt needs his front left leg amputated. I don’t know how the fuck I’m going to afford it but I’ve made everything happen so far (and y’all have to, thank you)
byu/Sewing_girl_101 inBunnies

by Sewing_girl_101

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