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After 4 days of Bonding Mino and his new friend Nada finally start to get along

Last week Minos bonded partner Bunny Carmen passed away and this week we got him a new friend since we don’t want to keep him alone, at first Nada was very scared of Mino, Mino is a very gentle and friendly bunny btw, but now Nada starts to give Mino kisses, sits with him and seems to finally see that he isn’t a threat, of course there is still some chasing going on but I’m just very relieved that these two get along well

by Soul0408


  1. JohnnyEnzyme

    I just randomly discovered this on ALL/rising, and am amazed. I had no idea bunnies came in interesting coat colors like this!

  2. Grazileseekuh

    So cute! It always feels so special, when they start to cuddle and kiss each other!

    On the other hand: I’m very sorry for your and Minos loss!

  3. benadryl_mousebottom

    So sorry to hear about Carmen!

    Bonding can be hard but those first few bunny kisses are so cute and so rewarding.

  4. elisakiss

    I need to bond my 2 male rabbits to my momโ€™s female rabbit. The rabbit she was bonded to died.

    How do you do it if you donโ€™t have neutral territory?

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