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We’ve had Hunny for 2 weeks now, last week she got a harness. What harnesses do y’all recommend? And any training advice or tips? Thank you!!

We’ve had Hunny for 2 weeks now, last week she got a harness. What harnesses do y’all recommend? And any training advice or tips? Thank you!!

We’ve had Hunny for 2 weeks now, last week she got a harness. What harnesses do y’all recommend? And any training advice or tips? Thank you!!
by u/pr1ncessbr1 in BunniesStandingUp

by pr1ncessbr1


  1. cookie_ketz

    Make sure it isn’t too tight a lot of bunnies hate harnesses with a passion but I use a cat harness from petsmart that is a little roomy.

  2. As soon as I put one on Marv he bites at it and runs off to sulk and bite at it some more.

  3. Rezero1234

    my mom actually calls me her “hunny bunny”, so i think this is coincidental….

    still a cute bunny you have

  4. Magpies11

    Ummm, I think what you actually have there is a little lamb! So cute….

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