I never realized how much of a chonker my bun is until she stood up to clean her ears
I never realized how much of a chonker my bun is until she stood up to clean her ears
by u/olive-sandwich in BunniesStandingUp
by olive-sandwich
I never realized how much of a chonker my bun is until she stood up to clean her ears
I never realized how much of a chonker my bun is until she stood up to clean her ears
by u/olive-sandwich in BunniesStandingUp
by olive-sandwich
What a pretty bun!
I wonder what it feels like to have ears like that.
I just want to thank everyone for your concern about Celia’s cage! She hardly spends anytime in there so I never paid attention to the size.. that was wrong on my part. Because she never feared hopping in her cage to get water or some food, I never thought about her not liking the cage. I always focus on making sure she’s healthy, happy, and loving. And she is 🙂 But with that, I will get her the proper cage.
Thank you for bringing up my new time bun mom mistake. Love seeing all of your bun vids/pics 🙂
Such a beautiful belly!
Your bun looks exactly like mine!
***H E F T Y***