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Spunky gal seeks boybun for long term relationship

I’ve had Winnie for 7 months. My coworker found her abandoned on the street when she ran up to her (and her two dogs!). I took her in because my guinea pigs had recently passed and I had lots of supplies, an exotics vet, and love to give. She is maybe a year old.

Up until the end of March I worked full time. She had an hour before work, 4 hours in the evenings, and the weekends to roam free. I had neurosurgery end of March and have been home with her recovering and she’s been free roam and with me all the time (just in her cage overnight). I’ll be returning to work hopefully in the next month and I dread the thought of her going back to long days alone.

I’m considering adopting a friend for her. She’s spayed and I’ve read that a neutered male is best. My local humane society has several neutered males available and they’ve said that if whoever I adopt doesn’t work out I’d be able to try somebun else.

I’m looking for suggestions for temperament in a friend for her. Like I said, she’s young. She’s not very big (I know size is a consideration). She’s pretty spunky and will chase my 20 year old geriatric cat like a charging rhino. She’s very social. She will initiate pets and affection. She has spent 20 minutes licking me and has only nipped when I haven’t groomed her back and she was offended. She loves her grandparents and is loving and patient with children. Her best friend is my 2 year old niece. She binkies and does her zoomies. She likes to sit in the bay window like a cat and will angrily stomp when teens and dogs walk by. She generally has a great temperament. She has been territorial with my cat and has peed and pooped in his bed (so we have to put it up when she’s out) but she doesn’t seem to mind when I mess around with her cage and items.

I’m wondering if she’d do best with a more submissive male? She’s a bit of a bossy boots with my cat so that’s my instinct at least!


by Antique_Albatross


  1. eieio2021

    I don’t have any advice as I’m relatively new here but your bunny is so cute & pretty!

  2. Haunting_Cover35

    A submissive male sounds good. If she’s a bossy gal that would be the best fit. See if your humane society does bunny dating, or any rescues near you. They can try several buns and find one that fits the best.

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