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My little Alfie just passed away today

He wasn’t acting like himself, stopped eating so we force fed him critical care, pain med and motility drug from the vet. He didn’t pick up so we brought him into the vet and he had a seizure and passed away in his carrier.

I remember feeding him last night and he didn’t put up a fight and knew something was wrong. I had a feeling he was going to leave me.

by kosmoss_


  1. ReceptionThen4424

    Big beautiful eyes🥺❤️ I’m in the same boat, sending prayers and love

  2. xChloe13

    i am really sorry for your loss 😔 what a beautiful bun 🩷

  3. I’m sorry. How old was Alfie? He is never leaving you. He will be there waiting for you doing binks and zoomies when y’all see each other again.

  4. ButDidYouCry

    What a beautiful bun. So sorry this happened, it’s rough when they go but it looks like he had a great life with you. <3

  5. a-girl-and-her-cats

    I’m so sorry your sweet, handsome boy left you in such a tragic way. I’m sending you strength and support in this difficult time. 💕

  6. Pure_Woods

    Darling name too. So sad 😞

  7. pennywhistlesmoonpie

    Big hugs, OP. Pets are family. You gave the cutest little chocolate Easter bunny the life he deserved.

  8. Signal-Economist3425

    So sad. My condolences. Hopefully the good memories will stay forever 🐰

  9. AgitatedFennel6427

    I am so sorry for your loss. Sending th

  10. HeatherJMD

    Ah, what a sweet lovey. ♥️ He looks just like my Toffee bun who meant the world to me, also an utter sweetheart, passed at 9 years. I’m so sorry

  11. Scarboroughwarning

    Sorry to hear that.

    Hope you had many happy times

  12. I’m terribly sorry for your loss. ♥️

  13. chronicpainprincess

    He was gorgeous, looks just like my Bruno. I’m so sorry that you’ve lost your friend. 💔

  14. [deleted]

    He looks like such a sweet bun in the pictures, I’m sorry for your loss. Rest in peace Alfie!

  15. consecratedlettuce

    ❤️❤️❤️ sending you so much love

  16. Unhappy_Addition_767

    Sorry for your loss. Hope your other bunny stays well!

  17. RedRider1138

    Thank you for visiting us, Alfie ❤️‍🩹🙏🌈🍀✨

  18. MosinM9130

    You gave him the best life. Alfie was a beautiful bun

  19. nobody2008

    He is in heaven, surrounded by vegetables and your clone.

  20. Present-Breakfast768

    He will always be with you. Watch for signs 🫂

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