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What is Olive in jail for? (Wrong answers only)

What is Olive in jail for? (Wrong answers only)

by No_Mountain_3581


  1. Usagi-Zakura

    Assassinating the President of a third world country.

  2. topherbdeal

    For looking like a capybara with very nice fur

  3. newbteacher2021

    He peed on your pillow….no wait that’s my rabbit.

  4. ComfortAdmirable9038

    Robbing a grocery store. Again.

  5. Pristine-Package9985

    Stealing and eating the rib rye.

  6. EnoughCauliflower862

    Got arrested by the cute police. Happens to my cats all the time

  7. reaperninja08

    Eating your olives, hence it being their new prison name

  8. FrenchSpence

    The methodical assassination and replacement of world leaders with bun piloted mech suits.

  9. Purumpu

    the police found human remains and evidence of cannibalism in her LA home that she sold in 2013

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