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Coco Bean showing off her bed making abilities 10/10

We consider the glide to be some type of ironing maneuver…

Coco Bean showing off her bed making abilities 10/10
by u/lonelybinky in Rabbits

by lonelybinky


  1. DrKMnO4

    10/10 Amazing work by a beautiful bun! I want her to make my bed too! 🥰

  2. itz_soki

    This is the cutest thing ever, what an adorable bunny.

  3. sinds1991

    She’s doing so well on getting it smooth!

  4. WangTheDong

    Should we even be sleeping on beds that aren’t bun approved

  5. The_AngryBird

    This adorable helper just helped me make my bed. Would 10/10 recommend her services 🐰💕😃

  6. WatcherYdnew

    I’m currently on antidepressants that are fucking up my emotions, but this warmed my heart for the first time today ❤️

  7. erickflair22

    If my rabbit didn’t poop and pee so much I’d let her on my bed

  8. FoodieMonster007

    My bunny helps me make the bed like that too.

    He then proceeds to poop on the bed.

  9. nestlebottle

    She looks so polite the way she digs ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8711)

  10. She’s so gentle! 😁
    When my pug “makes the bed” pillows, duvet and sheets end up all over my bedroom 🤦‍♂️ He’s mental

  11. KaneAndShane

    Thank you, Coco Bean. Very helpful.

  12. HeatherJMD

    She’s so helpful! Unfortunately, mine puts holes in my expensive duvet cover when she does this 😩

  13. WeDo_KinGShiT

    Scratch it up, smooth it out. Scraaaatch it up, smoooooth it out

  14. Actual_Author9541

    Omg my bunny always does this , what does it mean ?

  15. lizalupi

    She’s so polite, I have holes in my bedding

  16. lieblingskartoffel

    Good job Coco Bean 🫘 Also your name is perfect

  17. PirateRoberts150

    r/rabbitswithjobs turn-down service

  18. gnatTrap

    I hope she’s being paid for her hard work . $2,000,000,000 a minute.

  19. Specialist_Minute919

    I’ve never seen a bunny slide like that! Soooo cute!

  20. alexann23

    awww, she does this so daintily! With hamlet, it’s like he’s trying to dig the blankie within an inch of its life lmao

  21. ALKoholicK-x

    “Must be tidy! Must be perfect!”

    She is so adorable!

  22. How did you train her not to pee and poo at your bed?

  23. Adventurous_Dirt_103

    She’s so gentle! My bun is so violent about it 😂😅

  24. UnusualAsshat

    She’s so thorough smoothing the sheets. Gotta make sure it’s even!

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