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Guess who’s staying with me!

Yes, it’s Nibbles! To nobody’s surprise, Nibbles has now become a foster fail. The Bunny Angels network had a rescue place lined up for her from the 22nd and after much debating, I decided I couldn’t accept it. So she will be staying with me!

She’s just had a checkup and her jabs. Next step is to get her spayed and find her a friend so that another bunny doesn’t have to live in rescue forever ❤️

by wheremyhoundsat


  1. Disastrous_Row_8744

    YESSS! Hopping for joy over here!

  2. STAYINatHOMEdotcom

    She looks like she can share a lot of wisdom

  3. Dowager-queen-beagle

    Yaaaaay Nibbles! (Although after that one other post she may unfortunately be “Nipples” forever to me. 😂😂😂) Congratulations on your foster fail. ❤️

  4. Outrageous-Focus9870

    I am shocked! Well not that shocked. Clearly meant to be. Congrats!

  5. Specialist_Minute919

    Yay! I don’t know how anyone can foster rabbits. If I attempted to do that, I would just have 700 rabbits.

    Nibbles is so cute!

  6. Wanderlust1101

    😍😘YAY!!! 🥳🎊🎉🤗😊 Hey pretty girl!!

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