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Queen Lady Alice went to heaven today

My 9yr old was put to sleep today. I adopted her at an elderly age of 7 and according to the rescue I got her from she had a bout of E cunniculi but was treated at the time. Well unfortunately this year in late May it had returned and treatment didn’t seem to be working. Tests also showed she was in kidney failure most likely E cunniculi being the culprit as well. Thank you so much gorgeous those 2 years together was not enough and I can only hope out time apart is temporary ❤️

by Rocklobsta9


  1. InsideHangar18

    I’m very sorry for your loss. Thank you for giving her two good years

  2. Dazzling-Locksmith59

    Sorry for the loss 🥕😞

  3. PunishedWolf4

    I’m sorry for your loss but I can tell she was well kept and loved by you

  4. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    Rest in peace My Queen.

    May you forever rule your Hoomans heart with an iron paw

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