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So i’ve heard that bunnies love parsley.. apparently not mine.

So i’ve heard that bunnies love parsley.. apparently not mine.

So i’ve heard that bunnies love parsley.. apparently not mine.
by u/jamjamjamjam123456 in Rabbits

by jamjamjamjam123456


  1. HasAny1SeenMyShadow

    That’s the most extreme reaction I’ve ever seen

  2. noel_stella

    That’s very dramatic of you, little bun 😂

  3. Acceptable-World-175

    Holy cow, it’s like they got shocked! 😆 bless them. I wonder why they don’t like it? All of mine love it! Do they like coriander (cilantro)?

  4. RaminimaR

    The hell lol We once adopted a bunny that we were told was only fed pellets. No fresh stuff whatsoever and he actually needed some time to like and really dig into fresh food. Today he is a normal fresh food loving bun and he also loves parsley and even better: Flat leaf parsley.

    But I assume this is not the reason in this case.

  5. Typical_Ad_210

    I was not very familiar with bunnies before this sub, and discovering just how dramatic they can be has been an absolute joy. Your bunny is heading into the Academy Award winning level of drama here, I love it!

  6. Eastern-Dig4765

    What a dramatic little bun with a cute mouth. 😄

  7. dropdeaddecadent

    I love that the bun goes in for another nibble after grimacing and yeeting it, only to scramble away in horror upon finding out that it is, indeed, still parsley

  8. pucemoon

    Bun can’t deal with the cognitive dissonance. It’s leafy, the right color, but I hate it!!!

  9. Mindless-Balance-498

    Maybe try some Italian parsley! My tiny bun is this picky 😂 but he’ll try the same thing again the next day and be in a better mood lol

  10. MusesWhim

    Me before watching: it’s just a new food, and he needs to try it a few times to feel safe.
    Me after watching: the existence of parsley is a personal offense to this rabbit.

  11. Shoadowolf

    Reminds me of my younger brother who was extremely picky with his vegetables lol

  12. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    Oh what’s this.

    Take a small bite.


  13. Ame-Gazelle438

    My bunnies like Parsley but they prefer the flat leaf over the curly leaf shown here.

  14. PrintAndPlaid

    It’s because they found out that it’s curly parsley and thus an insult to all herbs in existence.

    My bunny and I share a similar distaste for curly parsley, however we love any type of flat-leaf parsley and can eat tons of it. Try it next time.

    Yes I’m very salty about the mere existence of curly parsley and it’s flavourless use as green decoration in sub-par restaurants, usually paired with a wilted bit of salad and a bland out-of-season slice of tomato. It’s dryness also makes me feel like I’m straight up eating grass. I’ve come around a bit since learning from a chef that curly parsley is supposed to be used in simmered dishes. It is the only use that will get it a pass to come into my house.

  15. Temporary-Dog5162

    So unexpected, what a cutie! Maybe he can taste the soap flavor some humans complain of in parsley 🙂

  16. itrashcannot

    Lol mine doesn’t like it either. Though, he didn’t go ballistic like yours.

  17. FoodieMonster007

    My bunny won’t go within 10ft of parsley… So I occasionally use it as a rabbit repellent to keep him away from the cables.

  18. AnAbbstraction

    Have you tried Dill yet? My bun will find every scrap of Dill and not eat anything else tell she has gotten it all.

  19. KiloWhiskyFoxtrot

    They like Italian (flat leaf) parsley better than the curly variety you’ve got here. It’s the semi-abrasive, kinda fuzzy texture to the leaf I believe is causing that reaction.

  20. mstrss9

    My Marlowe has this same reaction to spinach. He will not eat treated that have spinach baked into it.

  21. BurpleMan

    Our buns hate curled leaf parsley but love flat leaf parsley. You could try flat leaf ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8711)

  22. Lac_of_som_knowledge

    Light work no reaction, OH!, that had a little kick to it

  23. Loesje2303


    – your bun

  24. alexandria1116

    Your babe looks like my boy buddy that recently passed away 😭

  25. beahdawn

    I really don’t blame him. I can’t stand it either

  26. andtheyhaveaplan

    I mean, good for you little bun, parsley has too much calcium anyway.

  27. StarrySky339

    Mine didn’t either and he LIVES for food

  28. MrUserManDad

    One of mine couldn’t care less for red lettuce, but they both love carrot tops

  29. UnredeemedRevenant

    “This is not nanner foul hooman!” 🐰😠

  30. Unhappy_Addition_767

    😂😂😂 get dafuk outta here with this shit! I wasn’t expecting that last part! It has some strong feelings towards parsley! My bunnies won’t touch any of the fresh green herbs like most bunnies like. Even if I pick all the leaves off the stem and mix them in with some romaine or spring mix, all the leaves will remain on the plate. What a great video!

  31. chozopanda

    Omg what a drama queen 😂 I agree with other people here though; while I cannot tell the difference in taste between curly and flat parsley, my rabbits insist there is a difference and ONLY flat leaf parsley is edible

  32. Gracefully_Chaotic

    Mine will only eat flat leaf parsley. Picky, picky. 😂

  33. Dependent_Solid7978

    Also is it absolutely horrible that I now want to try to give my bun some curly parsley just to get his reaction too!??

  34. Initial-Succotash-37

    You have one of those picky buns. I had one of those too.

  35. Geometry_Emperor

    Our bunny was named Parsley. She was quite fond of it.

  36. KittieChan28

    They were like… absolutely NOT!!!

  37. boonz2020

    Try Italian parsley. Different taste and texture 🙂

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