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Permanent head tilt: Nigel update. Is it wrong that I cannot get myself to clean out his medications, even though it has been 6 months?

Permanent head tilt: Nigel update. Is it wrong that I cannot get myself to clean out his medications, even though it has been 6 months?

by maps1331


  1. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    No Honey.

    He was a part of your life. Losing someone is always hard. You will be ready on your own time.

  2. YouCantHaveTakis

    It’s not wrong. Take as much time as you need to process your grief. Please try to be kind to yourself during this difficult time, I’m so sorry for your loss.

  3. Pigeon-Bath-Party

    There is no harm coming out of this, assuming it isn’t causing you extra pain when seeing the items. Take your time to heal, everyone goes through things differently.

    My heart is with you.

  4. Old-Ad-9743

    It’s ok to hold on when you lose a loved one. We all move through life at different paces.

    Nigel’s story touched everyone who followed, and his passing was hard news for us all.

  5. crossedwords1

    It’s not wrong at all, everyone grieves differently. You will clean it out when you’re ready.
    Much love to you 🐰❤️ take the time you need!

  6. NoBite7871

    I did the same for awhile when my pet chicken passed. Just kept the meds in the fridge. If you ever find yourself wanting to do a deep clean, ask for friends/family to help so you aren’t alone in it! Hang in there, Nigel was so loved!

  7. Xiaoyuandao

    When I my first bunny passed, I was 13 years old. I wasn’t ready for another bunny till 2 years ago, over 10 years later (I’m 26 currently). It’s never easy~

  8. HeeTrouse51847

    damn 6 months already? feels like you posted a photo of him just yesterday

  9. MakaveliTheDon22

    I still have all of Thumper’s medications, I can’t bring myself to throw them out. He passed away in January. It’s not wrong of you to keep Nigel’s, he was someone special in your life.

  10. NumerousMacaroon297

    i used to comment under your nigel updates i can’t believe it has been that long since you lost him. he was so so loved by you. you gave him a great life. take all the time you need to heal 💝

  11. pinguineis

    I still have the condolence card our vet send us after miffy had to be put down in 2020

    My durch bunny Holländer passed away in 2021. I still keep all of his medications in the fridge.

    Take as much time as you need 🙏

  12. Lore-esque

    My wife and I just recently lost our bun bun too, it’s really really tough and we can’t bring ourselves to get rid of his medicine, or anything he slept on/ got his fur on too. I can’t say that it will get easier because we cry a lot but just know we’re with you and if you need to talk or need someone to listen I can sympathize.

  13. TennisObsession

    Maybe you find it [subconsciously] comforting to see the things that eased his pain and gave him the strength to fight a little longer…? I can understand that sentiment. In a way, it was a part of him and who he was before he passed.

    When my last bun passed, I couldn’t even get myself to clean out his dirty litter box for over a month. Anything of his felt and still feel sacred to me.

    Take as long as you need, OP. There’s no timeline with grief.

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