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Porridge was slooping (sleeping+pooping) when he noticed me calling him over. Look at his face when he realizes!

Porridge was slooping (sleeping+pooping) when he noticed me calling him over. Look at his face when he realizes!

by deltadelta199


  1. MegamuffinChip

    ” Must… Concentrate… On… Poops!” The Mayo needs to have a big think before he makes a big stink!

  2. muang5452

    Sorry but he look chunkier than previous months 😂

  3. Disastrous_Row_8744

    Now that’s what I call multitasking!

  4. lieblingskartoffel

    Porry you are so ROUND 😍 what a wonderful baby

  5. RogueViator




    Müther called while Mayo Pomidj was slooping,

    At first ignored, but for treats he was hoping.

    As he rushed over chomping at the bit,

    The mayo leaves a trail of still-steaming s**t.


    His anger flared when müther castigated,

    For leaving a mess she is infuriated.

    “Clean it up!” she said to start,

    Mayo responded, “How dare you belittle my glorious art!”


    Pomidge insulted and in a huff,

    Dander up, he eats quite gruff.

    Müther sorry, with a broom she scoops

    And offers Pomdge his collected poops.


    Overjoyed and elated, her arm he mlemed

    Before enjoying a cronchy stem.

    Müther’s mouth agape and speaking unable,

    It wasn’t a stem but the PS5 cable!


    Pindger acts, resolute and firm

    Others stunned and a’squirm.

    So on the ballot you should quote,

    “Porgage, Portswine, we do vote!”


    This has been a BNN News Special Slooping Report.

  6. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    Efficiency Efficiency EFFICIENCY.

    He is saving his precious time so that he can have more time being one of the cutest bunnies everZ

  7. MrCheggersPartyQuiz

    ⚠️ You have alerted the Ponge

  8. mouthfullofsnakes

    I’ve been known to do a sloop or two

  9. NightOwlsUnite

    Dying at shitpit🤣 oh Mayo Porrge u are something else❤️

  10. LegDayEveryDay

    “Oh my Bunndha – this is a big one. Must concentrate……”

    *Forbidden coco puffs drop*

    “Ahhh, Bunndha bless. Now time t-”

    *Notices camera*

    “What the devil!? Are you filming me!? HOW DARE YOU!”

    *Boss music starts to play and bunny charges the camera*

  11. reaperninja08

    “He jumped out of the shitpit” had me rolling

  12. Princeoplecs

    Mayo Podge realised his tumbly was rumbly and upon being called his brain cell auto food triggered lol.

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