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Hello! I’ve found 2 abandoned rabbits in a forrest. Any advice welcome as I’ve never had any rabbit before

Hello! I’ve found 2 abandoned rabbits in a forrest. Any advice welcome as I’ve never had any rabbit before

by paulineee93


  1. paulineee93

    I am planning on keeping them if I can as I have 2 cats.
    I have a vet appointment on Monday for the 2 rabbits to see if it is safe to introduce them, and if everything goes ok, they have a new home with me!

  2. YouCantHaveTakis

    Congratulations on your new bunnies! And thank you for doing the wonderful deed of rescuing them. The vet appointment is a good idea. Lennon the Bunny is a great YouTube channel for teaching information about pet rabbits in a clear way.

    I would recommend to take things slowly with them, they might be scared at first. When I first got my Bunny, he was a little afraid, so I simply sat on the floor next to him to let him get used to me before I even tried to pet him. He responded very well to this (started hopping in circles around me!) but all rabbits are different and I’ve only ever had my one bun-bun, so I don’t have much experience.

    Also, they do need to be able to exercise and hop. Even if free roaming isn’t an option, they should sometimes be let out of the enclosure for exercise, rather than kept in 24/7.

    Bunnies commonly love to be underneath things (my boy loves going under the table) so they might like it if you give them a hiding place or two (doesn’t have to be anything fancy) again all bunnies are different.

    Most bunnies don’t particularly love being picked up. Although over time you could train them to be okay with you picking them up, it doesn’t come naturally. I am telling you this to tell you that if your rabbits resist you picking them up, it doesn’t mean they dislike you. They just aren’t used to the feeling of getting picked up.

    I hope that this isn’t too long and that at least one thing that I said helps you, good luck with the bunnies 🥰🐇

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