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She won’t let me clip her nails I’m about to put red nailpolish on them

She won’t let me clip her nails I’m about to put red nailpolish on them

by aysh6n


  1. Strong_Picture9381

    Have you tried talking to your child instead of threatening with red nail polish? ^/s

  2. Adventurous_Problem

    Swaddle her in a towel very snuggly. Also, I prefer cat nail clippers. They are meant to do rounded nails.

  3. kutiekittyy

    Haha, nail trimming is the hardest. I would suggest buying a few trimming to see which one she’s most comfortable with

  4. Snowprints4

    That’s one way to handle this 😂 Love it.

  5. Bunnygem9

    Have you tried putting her on a table? There’s no chance of mine letting me clip their nails whilst they’re at ground level or low down, but on a table they act completely different. It still isn’t the easiest job ever but it’s doable after some practice!

  6. chimuffy

    Wrap her in a towil or blanket, do one foot at a time.

  7. bunkdiggidy

    She’ll be the prettiest belle at the r/BunnyToes ball!

  8. createdwithchatgpt

    This makes me sad. I was nervous to clip my buns nails but it turned out if you just hold them securely and gently drape a towel over their head they didn’t even flinch!

  9. SnoodlyFuzzle

    I sneak up behind mine when his back feet are splooted straight back and stealthily clip one nail. Sometimes he pulls his feet in after. Sometimes he barely notices.

    I don’t bother with the front ones unless they start to curve. I kind of do the same sneaking but while he eats something for them. I let him have fairly long front claws for scritching things.

    Overall, no struggles. You can keep them plenty short this way.

  10. Prestigious_Goat6969

    I’m so grateful my four just pull their paws away lol, have you tried rolling them in a towel and making a bunito?

  11. starstar420

    are my buns weird? they seem to love spa time

  12. lizalupi

    What I’ve learned is a weird hug position, doing it on a table with towel put down, being fast, being more firm than you think you should be and insisting until he gives up the drama lol and treats and pets

  13. purplerin

    Vet tech appointment. It’s worth it.

  14. Germangunman

    Don’t, could be toxic if she eats it off of there. Just a thought.

  15. marcus_frisbee

    My bun was like this so I used to swaddle her in an old towel and tuck her under my arm and stick one paw at a time out and trim it.

    Note if they are long it is VERY easy to cut them to the quick so please have some sort of coagulant on hand. I used to trim them standing in out bath tub so if the dripped blood it was easy to clean.

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