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Bunny is digging holes

So she technically isn’t mine, but my sister’s. I seem to be the only one doing anything for the her these days, but essentially she’ll dig holes, and then my mom will be like “don’t let her out of her thing until i patch the hole” or something along those lines.
But I don’t really wanna just keep her in the small area off grass for a reason like that, so I just threw some of the stuff that she has in there (the stairs and a small house type thing that she uses for biting and sharpening and whatever) over the hole and let her out.
So I’m wondering if there’s any specific reason she’s digging? I’ve read before that rabbits just do this out of boredom / to relieve stress, is there any reason to actually be worried about her digging herself out?
As far as I’ve seen the holes she has made so far were all at a about a 45Β° angle and never really made any turns.

by LiterallyPotatoSalad


  1. ozymandias457

    Yes, digging is typical rabbit behavior and she will eventually dig under the pan if unsupervised for long enough.

    Maybe try giving her a water bowl instead of the bottle. All 3 of mine drink out of bowls and it’s easier to keep them hydrated that way. Be sure to supply her with lots of hay, too.

  2. kutiekittyy

    Aww your little house is so cute, is it home made?

  3. SnoodlyFuzzle

    Bring the rabbit in the house. It won’t dig there.

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