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Anyone else find it crazy how much bunnies can poop

And this ain’t even all of it

by WeirdJumper


  1. ShotMammoth8266

    Sometimes my rabbit leaves poop all over the floor and I say “Look at all these turds you’ve produced!” So she stands up on her back feet like “Yes, hoomin. Am here. Am good rabbit. I stand up.”

  2. Steak-art

    Mine does this impressive amount as well as a 12 wo, thought it was age (given he needs to eat A LOT) but I guess I’m in for a very poopy ride.

  3. drumstickballoonhead

    Yes – I wish I had that kind of metabolism

  4. HistorianPuzzled1284

    My buns named Oreo. So she must be pooping Oreo bits. Lol.

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