Sometimes my rabbit leaves poop all over the floor and I say “Look at all these turds you’ve produced!” So she stands up on her back feet like “Yes, hoomin. Am here. Am good rabbit. I stand up.”
Choclate buns poop cocco puffs as it look basically the same.
200-300 pellets a day
Sometimes my rabbit leaves poop all over the floor and I say “Look at all these turds you’ve produced!” So she stands up on her back feet like “Yes, hoomin. Am here. Am good rabbit. I stand up.”
Choclate buns poop cocco puffs as it look basically the same.
Time to make the puffs.
Looks like Nesquik cereal
Mine does this impressive amount as well as a 12 wo, thought it was age (given he needs to eat A LOT) but I guess I’m in for a very poopy ride.
Yes – I wish I had that kind of metabolism
Good fertilizer.
Forbidden malteasers
My buns named Oreo. So she must be pooping Oreo bits. Lol.