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New Bun Owner

Rescued this sweet little bun from some friends. She’s nearly three years old. She was primarily in a cage only allowed out in their daughters room occasionally. At some point her cage was moved to the back porch and when I saw her breathing so fast in the heat, I had to bring her home! We’ve had her not quite two weeks.
She now has her own room…no cage! She is doing pretty well with the litter box. She was skittish at first and still can be but she’s also not afraid and all up in my business when I clean the litter box or give her hay, pellets and her daily greens. She’s not afraid of the broom either! 😆
We’ve already seen zoomies and binkies and she allows head pets. However, picking her up is a big no-no! She’ll come out of her tunnel when she hears me call her. She’ll let me rub her head a long time and melt into a big puddle on the floor. She’ll take treats from my hands.
The other day she did thump at me. Just once and I’m not sure what we/I did. We were in her room, laying in her floor for play time. Either she didn’t appreciate the eye contact I was giving her, she didn’t want me laying in the floor or she wanted more Spring Mix lettuce that she’d recently finished. I think she might be a bit of a diva!😂
I’ve never owned a bunny before and I have learned more in the last 11 days than I ever imagined! I’ve gone from knowing zero about bunnies to bunny obsession!
We adore her already and are contemplating a companion for her at some point.
Just wanted to show her off!☺️

by Ok-Hour2252


  1. kragzazet

    You’re doing perfectly! She sounds really happy! Few rabbits will ever accept getting picked up, so don’t bother trying unless you really need to lol. She sounds like she’s adjusting really fast and she’s gonna be a great companion 🙂 Congrats on the successful rescue, you probably saved her life!

  2. Lizz196

    Netherland dwarfs have big attitudes to make up for their small bodies. I quite haven’t figured out yet if mine loves to hate me or hates that she loves me!

    If she hasn’t been spayed, I would seriously look into it! It’ll help with litter box training and she won’t be quite as territorial over her litter box and poos. Additionally, rabbits are super susceptible to reproductive cancer and it will help her live longer!

  3. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    Look at those feet.


  4. Fit_Army4367

    She’s beautiful! So glad she’s getting the love she deserves now. If she’s anything like my bun the thump was because she wanted more spring mix. Mine has thumped at me because I couldn’t get her pellets to her quick enough. 😂

  5. WangTheDong

    Welcome to the netherland dwarf gang! What a sassy little cutie you have over there

  6. beebzalot

    Thank you for rescuing her! She is adorable 😍

  7. MaddAddamOneZ

    Good on you for rescuing this beautiful girl!

    Once you’re comfortable with where you’re at with her care and set up, you definitely should find a companion as domestic rabbits are social animals. Some rabbit groups will set up proverbial “speed dates” for rabbit owners looking for potential bonding buddies.

  8. Ok-Hour2252

    Adding a question about pellets if anyone has any thoughts. They gave us a big bag of pellets that they had left that they were feeding her (not the healthiest) but I read Oxbow’s had more of the nutrients they needed so we bought those. I started mixing Oxbow in with the old pellets to transistion her but she will eat all of the old pellets first (picks them out one by one) and eat the Oxbow last. And even though she loves her pellets…every morning when I refresh her food…she leaves some of the Oxbow pellets in the bowl. I feel like every day she’s leaving more and more of the Oxbow untouched. I think she’s used to her diet being primarily pellets b/c her hay was in a small hay feeder that was hard to get the hay out of even for me.
    She now has plenty of fresh hay every day and she does eat at it but she makes a beeline for me every morning for her small scoop of daily pellets.

    Should I quit mixing and just go straight Oxbow pellets? I was trying to use up what they gave me but I feel like she’s essentially picking the junk food over the healthier option.

  9. likoricke

    My dwarf has thumped at me for “tricking” her into thinking I had treats by simply existing in her vicinity and then showing her my treatless hands. They’re funny creatures. You sound like you are doing everything perfectly and she is so much happier with you!

  10. likoricke

    You forgot to tell us this little lady’s name!

  11. TwoWelshBunnies

    She’s gorgeous and congrats on becoming a bunny’s pet! Thumping can happen for reasons only a bunny would understand – they hear things we don’t (well with those ears……..) Don’t take it personally! ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8709) I’ve been mum to a lot of small critters, but for me bunnies are the best!

  12. vyralinfection

    Why do people get pets and then keep them like they’re prisoners in a supermax? Food and water twice a day, 1 hour exercise, then back in the hole.

  13. Rocketbreadgun

    She looks like amogus imposter on the 1st photo lol.

  14. Acceptable-World-175

    Oh wow!! Well done for taking her on. She’s completely beautiful! I’m so glad she has a loving , caring home to live in now. Thank you!! 🙏 she’s certainly very happy from what you said, binkies are a lovely thing to behold! I wish you many years of happiness with her. Getting her a partner is a great idea! 👍👍🥰🐰

  15. Spookenfor

    Congratulations and thank you for getting her. She probably would have died an early death if not for you rescuing her! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  16. mstrss9

    Thank you for saving this baby!!!

    The last picture 🤭

  17. Toothless_Dinosaur

    Thank you for giving her a better life

  18. datinggoskrrrrrrrrra

    I love otter dwarfs, give this sweetheart the home she deserves!

  19. imscaredofbugs_

    my GOD she is adorable!!!!!! i want to smooch her little forehead!! congrats on your new baby <3

  20. patsully98

    She’s perfect, and she’s lucky to have you 🙂 You’re doing great, and you’re lucky to have her too!

  21. RedRider1138

    Yes, you win, this is the cutest bun 🥰🐰🙏

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