Is it normal for bunnies to sleep out on the boring hard cardboard, rather than in:
1. Plush cat dome
2. Cardboard box with a hole cut out full of shredded paper.
3. Empty cardboard box.
My new buns seems to just like sleeping out in the open. On the cardboard….. I always thought rabbits liked to hide while they slept, for safety etc
For reference, I’ve had her three days, her set up is a work in progress. She’s free roaming, the cage is just for getting settled in and while I’m at work/sleep until all the animals are safe with each other.
She also sleeps alot. I’m assuming lots of stress from the move, and she will perk up once she’s adjusted.
by Unicorns_with_thorns
Yep, that seems normal to me. Bunnies operate on their own logic
Rabbits are crepuscular, usually sleeping most of the day so they can be active at dawn and dusk. As far as location, they do whatever they want haha
Sounds about right – bunnies have individual preferences. Mine very much prefers the cold, hard floors than any soft carpet or mat, but some other buns are the complete opposite!
Bunnies sleep anywhere they feel safe. Sometimes that’s in a small dark cave, sometimes it’s on a soft comfy bed, sometimes it’s out in the middle of a room on a hard floor. Check out r/buncomfortable for examples.
And they sleep much more of the day than they’re awake and active. They’re most active around dawn and dusk. Much of the day, they sleep.
That’s such a good sign that she sleeps like that! Eyes closed, she’s not hiding, she feels safe. It’s only one step from sleeping in the middle of the room and everyone walking around her 😂