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Mom? Mother? Ma? Treats?!!

Mom? Mother? Ma? Treats?!!

by Coco_Bunana


  1. Temporary-Dog5162

    How can you not adore the sight of this hungry fluffy child politely asking for treats! Awww, and the crossed paws…Coco just melts my heart, what a cool looking bun!

  2. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    I would honestly give the world to any bunny that asked for a treat. Especially Coco & Lucy.

  3. Classic-Effect-7972

    Muthah, it is I, your bun son! I beseech thee!

  4. Acceptable-World-175

    Gorgeous floofy Ewok! 🥰🐰

  5. Jaysgirl18

    Absolutely adorable 🐰❤️ What breed is he?

  6. Wanderlust1101

    🥰💋😍❤️😘😊Anything for you, my Ewokian Boo!!

    Fruit salad 🫐🍍🥝🍒🍏🍎🍉🍇🍌🍓🍑🍐 or plain nanners 🍌🍌🍌🍌?

  7. oatmilktoast

    A Coco sighting always brightens my day 😍🥰

  8. UnredeemedRevenant

    “Hooman! I never get treatos! Huh? When? I don’t recall that.” 🐰🫥🥺

  9. Zestyclose-Pride6459

    A Jellycat model! I can practically feel the fluffiness just by gazing at this picture. loveeeeeee….

  10. Velzevul666

    So fluffy! What happens when he sheds? My bun has short hair and it sheds like a mf!!

  11. PaperAccomplished874

    Such a cutie. I have bad luck with buns. My new 2 got sick with snuffles. Firet the girl then thr boy he is worse. Had one before and passed suddenly at 2 years.

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