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Update #2 on Fair Bunny

My son named him Reginald. Vet says he is a 6mo Flemish Giant. He has GI stasis that we are working through with medicated food and antibiotics. We finally have his space put together. It still needs a few more things but it is a step up from being in the tub. Thank you to everyone for your advice and help with our new family member.

by CraftyHooker0516


  1. Mercury5979

    That is an awesome pen. Now I am jealous. You can probably take that tub out now and give him more room. Also, fair warning, if the bunny strategizes like mine, they will hop up on top of the cage and then use it to leap over the pen for a quick escape. It took us almost a year to figure out what he was doing.

  2. TestyZesticles91

    This bun is gonna vault that fence 😆

  3. motownphilly888

    Great job. Thanks for preventing a bunny from suffering.

  4. wettyvetter

    This is so awesome!!! You are learning so much!!

    Hope Reginald makes a speedy recovery!

  5. xChloe13

    oh you really went from 0 to 100 real quick from yoir first post!

    congrats 💖🥰

  6. sewmanybunnies

    Omg. Congrats! I saw your original post and was rooting for this to work out. That pen is phenomenal. If you do have trouble with jumping, you can always pin fabric or something to it temporarily until you can add to the height. BUT, I’ve had multiple buns that had zero interest in jumping and wouldn’t even jump on a footstool. 2 of my current three are menaces and jump absurd heights. This may work just fine for your bun! Also, looking at the second photo, I think the height just looks off because of how huge the amazing litter box is.

    You did great! This made my day. Go Reginald! You got a great family.

  7. International-Bug983

    Wow I’m so sorry to hear he has stasis. The new setup looks amazing.

  8. Used-Biscotti-4584

    The hay litter box looks pretty tall. Is the bun able to easily jump in on its own? I use pretty low litter boxes for their ease and comfort.

  9. breadandmangos

    Aw, just a baby-so happy you guys can give him a totally different life now. 🥰 This pen is awesome! I’m assuming the hay+litter box tub is a work in progress to make sure he can easily access it (especially if you don’t want to encourage him to learn to jump over the pen)? You guys are fantastic, I love to see how well cared for he is now!!

  10. teeeh_hias

    If this floor is wood or laminate or something, I’d put a sheet of PVC or something on top. There will be accidents. Besides that, nice one.

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