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Freaking out and of course it’s Saturday **medical**

We live 2 hours from emergency exotic vets. I’ve been through this before. My vet can’t see him until Monday.

I’m skipping around sorry.

I’ve been gone for a few days on vacation. Bunnies and cat had pet sitter. I came back last night and was petting one of the bunnies when I felt a lump. It’s this oozing thing that is black at the center and has something hard underneath it. He’s eating and drinking and playing and doesn’t seem bothered. I have to work tonight and tomorrow so I can’t monitor him and I’m really worried about just leaving but I also don’t have the type of job where I can easily call out. I can’t figure out if I should call out and drive the two hours or if I should wait until Monday. I’m super worried about the vet being wrong.

by Spazheart12


  1. refasullo

    Looks like a bot fly? Possible in your area? Or a tick, the photo is not 100% clear. You might try to call an emergency vet and hear what they’ve to say about it, at least if it can wait. Imo it can, but I’m not a vet.

  2. Rickys8dollartenders

    Stop calling vets and take your bunny to one. Tell them in-person it’s an emergency

  3. RenzoARG

    I guess that sitter is not getting a good review about general hygiene now.

  4. darthcaedus13

    Definitely looks like a botfly from the removal videos I have seen. Definitely need the vet to remove it and treat it.

  5. _flying_otter_

    I think its been there a long time already and can wait until Monday. With rabbits its more important to go to the most rabbit savvy vet- the emergancey vet may not be rabbit savvy.

  6. BunnyKomrade

    I’m glad you worked out what’s going on. If the bunny is eating and drinking as usual it’s a good sign.

    Just keep observing his behaviour and take him to the vet to remove the parasite when possible. Do not attempt to remove it on your own: damn bugs have microscopic hooks that keep them anchored to the skin. You’d risk tearing the skin or, worse, break the larva and cause an infection.
    If anything, you may try to keep the “entrance wound” as clean and dry as you can but that’s it.

    I sure hope you can get rid of that godforsaken pest very soon. Give him cuddles and treats from me 💗

  7. Vweewoo

    omg as a vet assistant i’m like excited cause it’s so fun taking them out (sorry) BUT that looks like a bot fly. you should be ok to wait until monday. monitor and make sure she’s eating and drinking and passing bowels normal if she doesn’t want to eat start critical care but you really should be just fine. it’s just an annoying and nasty critter that needs to die c:

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