Hello, my mom adopted this tiny female bunny 2 days ago. She’s eating baby pellets, hay and water just fine but she looks very very young.
The shop said she’s 3 months old but I don’t believe them. We tried to introduced her to our gentle neutered male lion head, but she tried to get under to suckle him. I looked online and it suggested giving goats milk? Please give me your opinions thank you. She seems to drink a lot lot lot of water.
(She had a bit of dirt on her nose, so I tried cleaning it off with a slightly wet Qtip and once again, she thought it was a mammary gland and tried sucking it) 🙁
by gggrzy_gblnnn
OHMYGOD!! Shes soooooo adorable!! I just want to hold her and love on her !
She’s been weaned, you can’t give milk now. Yes, probably is weaned too soon, most pet shops do get in animals that are too young, they’re cuter and easier to sell.
Give unlimited juvenile pellets and unlimited hay
All I know is I must cuddle that floof nugget
I got my boy at 5 weeks (emergency rescue situation) and they aren’t supposed to be weaned till 8, I had him on baby pellets and alpha hay, and now three years later he’s a big ol 2.5kg bun and bold as anything!
She’ll be okay without milk, just keep an eye on her and make sure to have alpha hay and baby pellets – also NO fresh fruit or veg until she’s four months, and when you start with the fresh stuff, introduce tiny amounts of a single type at a time to get her tummy used to it
Illegally smol.
Adorable little bun bun!
Do be advised that when your baby hits puberty, she (or he given pet shops are bad at sexing rabbits) will need to be separated in a different enclosure from your male.
Unfixed “teenaged” and later adult rabbits are very hormonal and become aggressive to other rabbits (no matter how bonded they might seem before) and can do serious damage. Attempts to bond your current male rabbit to the baby should only be done 6 weeks after the current baby is neutered to allow hormones to recede.
Bunny ProBiotics!!!!! If she was weaned too early her tummy may not be set up properly yet.
nothing to add but *oh*
oh my goodness
so smol
such a babby
Yup. Weaned too young…. BUT they can live a long/fabulous life with proper care. (My 1st rabbit who lived to 11 years was DAYS old when I got him…. I didn’t know any better at the time). Find an exotic vet and use House Rabbit Society for tips and tricks to live their best, most full life. Welcome to PlanetBunny
My babies looked this size at about 1 and half month old 🙁
This poor baby has been separated from her mom too early!
This is too much. I hope this poor thing gets all the love and support from you that it deserves.
so precious. so perfect
This breaks my heart. Pet shops don’t care. Perhaps a vet trip would be best since you’re unsure of her real age!
Please. PLEASE post more pictures 💕💕💕💕💕
She should be on Alfalfa. She might be too young but the hay for now until she’s around 6mos should be alfalfa
may i clarify adopted is from a shelter bought is from a pet shop
8 weeks with the mama or not?
My bun was weaned too young as well unfortunately, I suggest keeping an extra eye on her because in my experience they’re more prone to infections and dietary problems. I’d check her eyes and her poop as much as possible.
She looks adorable, I’m glad she found a home that cares for her!
Looks super young but it doesn’t mean they can’t live a healthy life. She is soooo cute
If you can’t get goats milk, kitten formula can work too. Add an egg to the formula. Rabbit milk is the most nutrient dense milk on the planet so the extra nutrients from the egg is good. Baby looks 6-8 weeks. 8 weeks is the general consensus of when people start weaning bunnies. I let my go until they stop naturally. I’ve seen a 5 month old still nursing. Hilarious when a baby half the size of its mother suckles. I’ve also seen mom stop nursing at 10 weeks. She had 5 babies and either ran dry or was fed up with the constant chasing.
This is what my Ciri looked like when we first got her (very similar to yours id say)
we were told she was 3 months as well, she was and is fine
so id say no need to worry 👍
Omg she can fit on 1 hand ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8708)![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8708)![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8708)
We need daily progress pics. It’s the law.
Omg so cute she looks like a toy 😍😍
Yeah she’s not that old at all, lukewarm kitten milk also works u just give it once an evening after microwaving it for 1-2 seconds so it won’t burn there mouth and there tummy feels plump c: but I’d listen to others since I last did this in 2014
She is a dwarf rabbit (lionheads are in the dwarf category) and they are very smol as the name implies… Mine was about that size when I got him at a bit over 7 weeks. She may have been recently separated from her mother and that’s why she’s still suckling… they will keep going as long as the mother lets them, yes I’ve seen 3 month olds trying to suckle sometimes, kinda funny to watch as they were about the same size as their mom.
I wouldn’t be able to stop staring at their little face.
My girlie liked having medicine from a syringe and LOVED when we gave her critical care after a surgery.
Maybe you could give her water in a syringe so she gets to have the experience of suckling without it being bad for her body?
I also did watered down apple juice occasionally as a treat which was her absolute favourite.
cute lil bean
Omg so tiny
What a tiny little heartbreaker!🥰🥰🥰🥰
Give plenty of alfalfa hay. Babies need the extra calcium although it’s too much calcium for a grown bunny. When grown switch to Timothy and or Orchard hay. I have been told by my exotic pet vet (#1 vet in AZ) that hay should be 80% of a bunny’s diet. 15% greens, 5% pellets. (That’s full grown bunnies) Best thing to do is contact your local exotic pet vet. Beautiful baby! I would not have been able to resist that sweet face!
I’d try goat milk, but if she is eating soft foods that’s a start,I have a female rabbit who had 2 pregnancies, the first one she didn’t do so good, but the second she did good.
But it does take a bit for a baby to get used to pellet and alfalfa , later she will like Timothy grass better.
Definitely too young. They look around 2-3 weeks old