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Bunny farts

Some bun has silent cow farts this morning, he seems to be taking joy in my reaction.

by Queen_Diesel


  1. Light_Dream_Phantom

    Your bun is a right scruffaluff 😂

  2. AureliaCottaSPQR

    He’s trying out for the Sex Pistols. The next Bunny Rotten.

  3. bellalugosi

    I had a 4lb bunny who could clear a room with his farts.

  4. Abject_Source3703

    My botty burps are the best along with the rest of me.

  5. lasvegasbunnylover

    What’s invisible and smells like carrots?

  6. bioshockedtoinfinity

    Omg ours looks so similar (breed wise!) but we have no idea what breed we have!

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