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Question about my bun

So I’ve had my boy romeo for almost 2 months now and he doesn’t seem to be as active as other buns. He just likes to sit in his box all day and does nothing. I’m worried if he’s bored or something, I gave him my whole room to run around but he just stays in his corner, usually in his box. I just want him to be happy and I’m not sure if he is, he seems to only be happy for pellets (breakfast) and dinner (greens) and when I give him head pets.

by Cumli


  1. Sephy-the-Lark

    As long as he is peeing and pooping fine he’s probably ok, but you can always ask your veterinarian just in case. Usually you can just call about questions like this for free.

  2. Great_Replacement_79

    I would recommend some bunny safe toys for enrichment if you don’t already have some. Oxbow makes some good ones. Beware though, there are a lot of toys advertised for buns that really aren’t suitable for them.
    You can even make your own toys with paper rolls & hay. My girl loves them.

  3. SupermarketOld1567

    dude, my lil man is the laziest little dude ever. he’s always super excited for treats, greens pellets, but lordy little man kinda just wants to lounge. doesn’t like too many toys other than his apple sticks and toilet paper rolls.

    i think a majority of buns just sleep a lot…… nothing better to do when you’re a fuzzy pampered house rabbit i guess.

  4. NeighborhoodDeep8412

    Well I can tell you my mini Holland lop (age3),does that e act same thing, he’ll just stare at the inside of his box or the wall and yess literally all day up until 8pm usually then he’ll roam around. I’d suggest getting him an companion (another bunbun).I’m probably gonna take my own advice 😂 on this

  5. usagizero

    Box feels safe, he loves box.

    I’ve had both active and ones like this, where they find a spot they like and spend a lot of time there. Just came down to personality for most of them. Some it takes longer to feel safe and explore more and spend more time away from the base.

  6. BunnymanD

    Perhaps he would like a rabbit friend. If it is possible for you to adopt another bunny, you could enquire at local shelters. They will often help you bond them too.

    If not, you can try to make games with his food. I teach my rabbit tricks and reward him with pellets. Or get him to follow me around the house with a pellet as a reward so he runs and climbs more. You can put pellets in a cardboard tube, close both ends and add some holes so he has to work a little bit for his food.

  7. Significant_Dream_38

    Like people some buns just aren’t that active. If he is eating and pooping properly and he doesn’t show obvious signs of illness he should be ok. I had a male bun who was extremely chill. He would just nap under our living room table or in his cardboard box in the corner. He stuck to his runners and embraced social distancing like it was the best thing ever invented. My lazy boy. I miss him. He passed earlier this year. He was 9½.

  8. Dear_Mountain4849

    Mine is active in the mornings and evenings.. Curious and wonders about. Chews on things. Rips around her little tunnel. But the rest of the day. She sits and chills around a ton!

  9. timmspinn

    If he’s a solo bun, he could be depressed. Consider getting him a companion, but be sure to read everything you can about bonding first. It’s not always easy.

    Also, it’s important to know that most buns will be inactive during the daytime hours. They’re usually active in the morning for a bit, then chill until 5pm or later. All the buns I’ve had are most active from 5pm to 11pm. Some are active at night too.

    I would consider getting him a companion. Some shelters offer speed dating which is your best option for finding the best friend for him.

  10. One thing that might make your bun a bit more active is to get on the floor, don at that level (sometimes I lay on my stomach) and play with them.

  11. TheMightyYule

    What kind of enrichment are you providing?

    Please don’t feel pressured into getting a second bunny. While they are social animals, there are plenty of buns that are totally happy to be solo. Bonding bunnies is TOUGH and not for the faint for heart, and you have to consider that you must be able to house 2 bunnies completely separately if the bonding doesn’t work out. You also have to consider emergency medical expenses for two. You also have to make sure they’re both desexed and all that good stuff. That’s not to say you shouldn’t because it’s definitely encouraged, but it’s not required and should only be taken on if you are sure you have the financial and time requirements of having and bonding 2 bunnies.

  12. Old_Improvement46

    Our girl likes to sit in her corner behind her cat tree where the heat/ac makes a wind tunnel and sleep all day. If you haven’t already just try hanging out on the floor of your room with him whenever you’re in there. That’s what got our bun to come hang with us when she’s awake

  13. katelync0re

    my new bun is similar since he doesn’t really run around or want to play. i’ve found that since he mainly only gets excited for food, adding enrichment to feeding time is rlly good! i’ll put his food in toilet paper rolls for him to try to get out, or hide it in a towel for him to dig. i’ve also taught him tricks which has also helped our bond a lot 🙂

  14. UndeadBan_FoxSin

    He’s plotting, then you feed him and he’s happy

  15. Particular-Flow8043

    When I let my bunnies out of their enclosure to free roam when I get home, they don’t run or anything. They lay around or end up roaming right back into their enclosure. He probably feels like he’s in a den (like natural instinct to go there.) We all have our favorite places. Maybe that’s like his favorite recliner. 😋

  16. It just might take a while for him to be comfortable. My daughter used to make little snack challenges for her bunnies. She got ideas of you tube

  17. jeicam_the_pirate

    just a bun in their natural environment doing natural bun stuff. they spend a lot of what we consider day time in relative power savings mode. As crepuscular animals their peak activity will be around sun up and sun down.



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