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Reoccurring issue with Lydia

My 4 year old Lydia started having an issue around September of last year. She stops eating. She gets Oxbow Timothy hay, fresh from our garden lettuce, fresh water, and a small amount of oxbow pellets daily. This has happened at least once a month. I have had her to two vets, one exotic vet and one vet that treats rabbits. She has had physical exams, blood tests and an X-ray all of which show no reason for this. She does not have an infection. The first vet, who really isn’t a specialist, gave her antibiotics and I gave her oxbow critical care food. After two days this usually resolves and she goes back to eating great. The second and exotic vet gave her cisapride (motility) and metaform ( anti inflammatory/pain). Again after two days of this with critical care food she started eating again. But it keeps happening. Usually with 1 or two weeks in between.

Has anyone else had an issue like this? Both of the vets admit they don’t know what’s causing it. I’m hoping someone else has had this issue and could give me some idea of what’s wrong.

by ed33935

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