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What is he hearing?

What is he hearing?

by aysh6n


  1. Treebeard54

    Just constant bullshit and he’s sick of it

  2. FactoryMadness

    Treat bag…half full…dried mango…5 meters…due east…

  3. anjunakerry1982

    Not a lot, Cause he’s a bunny and bunnies are ignorant and defiant. (But it all part of their charm)

    Unless he can hear you silently eating a banana, Up 4 flights of stairs, behind a closed door, Then and only then does their hearing work!

  4. PatrickStardawg

    He’s hearing his sub conscious plan the most devious escape while you’re asleep to creep into your room and end you like the last piece of cilantro he ended

  5. mr-blindsight

    the songs of the moon, and world domination.

  6. BadAkitas

    He hears the damn kids on his lawn again…

  7. Less-Election-1920

    Dinner is going to be delayed…. Again

  8. ricodelshaw

    Me telling him that I pledge my life to his service.

  9. someone started peeling a banana in the house next door

  10. bunkdiggidy

    You not approaching with treatos. And he’s fucking done.

  11. ayyxdizzle

    That bullshit new music you kids listen to these days

  12. FluffyCollar2607

    Someone putting all the veggies in a blender, running them in his opinion, and not leaving any for him

  13. micropig1982

    It’s what he’s NOT hearing…which is you…NOT peeling him a Nanna CALL THE COPS CALL THE ASPCA HECKIN THUMPS

  14. PugPuppyMama

    He hears a banana being eaten one block away!

  15. NicoFar22

    I don’t know why, but all I hear when I see this is “My name is Wilford Brimley and I have diabeetus”. lol

  16. DirtybutCuteFerret

    Your steps as you leave the fridge without opening it…its the worst sin in the bunble

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