Just wanted to start off by saying Honey is a very happy and otherwise healthy bunny.
We took a trip to the vet for an unrelated (now resolved) issue and the vet noticed some build up of pus in the ear. I believe it was tested and is probably a yeast infection. She free roams and I haven’t noticed any change in her demeanour yet, so I am pretty confident that she is well and isn’t affected by this at the moment. This is probably the very early stage as I took her for a standard check up 4 months ago and a different vet (same practice) noticed no issues with her ears at that time.
Has anyone treated yeast in the ear with ear flushes before? The vet said this is very common in lop eared rabbits and mentioned we can do ear flushes. There was a more pressing issue at the time so we didn’t get back to the ear flush discussion.
The best treatment for ear infections once they reach middle/inner ear is surgery so I would love to avoid putting my little girl through that if we can prevent anything from progressing to that stage. Let me know if you and your buns have had any good or bad experiences with this.
by kittedbotted