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8 year old bunnies – should we get a 3rd baby? Advice needed

Both of our bunnies are 8, Benny (grey) will turn 9 in August. They are both fixed and I have had them since they were babies (and have been bonded since I got Honey, who is less than a year younger). They get regular dentals and vet visits and the vet says they are in perfect health and are really great in general, but especially good for their age.

But my partner and I were thinking about getting a 3rd baby bunny to add to our family. I am worried that one of them will pass away and then the other is left all alone and it might be harder to bond with a new bunny? But also, would a baby help them stay young?? We don’t know if the baby would disrupt their golden years or if it would be good for them. We would really love everyone’s thoughts and advice. ❤️

by Adventurous_Dirt_103

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