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Caught this poor baby today.

I went to pick up my little sister from her friends place today and as we were driving away I see something white in the road and I point it out thinking it was a cat when my sister is like “No! It’s the rabbit my friend has been seeing since the beginning of the school year.” She’s tried to catch it but hadn’t had luck so we parked and followed it for about a block to someone’s front yard where she let me pet her and took the opportunity to grab her.

SWEETEST BABY EVER!!!! She loves to cuddle. My sis was gonna sleep in my room today but the bun kept digging at her blankets to go under them for cuddles. Then she peed on her. My sister is now back in her room.

I don’t know how anyone could dump her. Her whiskers are all short so it seems like they were cut at some point, her white fur is yellow, her belly and legs have patches of missing fur and she came out from under the bed with a tuft of fur in her mouth. I’m guessing she’s been eating it or pulling it from stress. Her bones are super easy to feel and hip bones are prominent.

Unfortunately we can keep her as we already have two rabbits. Our local shelter has a great bunny program though so she’ll be okay wherever she ends up.

by Smoresbun

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