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i have a question about my rabbit!!

hi all! so i just got my rabbit from the humane society yesterday (06/13) they said she was healthy but a little under weight and then also on june 28th ill be taking her to the vet for a check up and also the RHDV2 vaccine she needs her 2nd one , she got her first one in the humane society. But i have a question, so her cage obviously isn’t done yet and im waiting for more stuff to come but as of right now this is how it is. what do you guys recommend for a rabbit, and i have some vitamins posted in the group of pictures, do i need those or should i just stick veggies etc? her previous owners said that they gave her a carrot everyday is that okay? ALSO she does not stay in this cage all day, when im here she gets to run free and the cage stays open until ive had her longer im not comfortable leaving her alone, im thinking about getting a fence thing ( im not sure what to call it lol) but it would go around her cage so she can roam more but be secure and safe:). also she is 7years old, what kind of feeding schedule would you recommend, id like to get an automatic feeder and also a water fountain that you’d get for cats because then its fresher etc?

by I_HeartMunchkin

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