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What breed

So my roommate just moved out and she bought a couple buns. One in particular I absolutely loved so much, he was so tiny but so loveable and cuddly. He loved when I put him in the chair with me, he’d hop all over me and was obsessed with licking me (I read that’s an affection thing they do to show bonding). Im not sure the breed he is and would love to know and if that behavior is normal with that breed as I’m looking into getting one for myself. This is the best picture I have of him. He was extremely fluffy, like his fur made him look fatter because he had so much of it.

by sunshyne_pie


  1. dogood4all

    Looks like a lop- hard to tell if a mini.
    Rabbit breeds do have certain traits shared.

    We had a too bright Rex mini- reg mix. Such perfection in a small body.

    He was kind of a half cat half dog personality mix, meaning if he didn’t want to he held, was it gonna happen, lol.

    Intuitive thing that seemed to know when I pick me nudge was needed.

    Loved being in the thick of things and being with his people. George was only caged to sleep otherwise he was free roam. He slept in my daughter’s room and if she slept late, the thumping would start, she got up and dropped him off in the front room before heading back to the front room.

    Most important in this equation IMHO would be locating a vet convenient to u where live. It is imperative the vet not just do bunnies but truly treats them.

    I would educate myself on possible issues as the bunny ages. I always took George in every quarter for a mani pedi and a weight check as Rex buns tend to have weight issues as they get older.
    We changed a few habits limiting sugary fruits a smidge and changing his pellets.
    George was fine and lost weight- vet was pleased.

    Things to consider.
    Bunnies take a lot of effort and can live 10 years or so if the stars align correctly.
    With that being said said, George was my most favorite pet and would choose him over all the dogs I grew up with every single time!

  2. AdultChildAlbum

    He’s so cute!! So adorable and fuzzy!

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