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My bunny is obsessed

This little girl always been a cuddly one but since she got sexually mature she started to obsess about me.. and she’s pretty intense.
She’s in a big cage when we’re working and runs free in the house when we’re home, but since last week the only running she seems interested in is around my feet. She won’t leave my side and if I’m
on the couch she makes it her full time mission to try to get up to me.
If I sit on the floor she’ll honk and run laps around me, thumping until I start to pet her, for hours.. I assume she is in heat(?) or whatever it’s called when a bunny girl wants the D. I like her cuddles but not for hours at end…
Should I get her a friend or is a very affectionate bunny more likely gonna get jealous?
(I’m going to get her spayed once she’s 6 months)

by grundochglad

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