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spot change???

this is my bun Jojo and i’m noticing the spot on his nose growing bigger and darker. the photo on the left is April 29 and the photo on the right was from today. just trying to figure out if i need to be concerned? he has been shedding quite a bit but i’ve never had a bun change pattern like that that i’ve noticed.

by cer3monies


  1. Flailing-Star-7

    No need to worry! Animals, much like humans, can experience a change in their fur over time. My cat was black with a few brownish spots here and there as a kitten, but now her brown spots are more noticeable.

    My dog growing up also had a paw that looked like it was dipped in white paint, but that eventually changed as she aged and her fur grew and shed.

    It’s just a natural change in fur color is all!

  2. pm_me_hedgehogs

    It’s very common for colours to change a bit over time! Especially as your bunny is shedding right now. I know many bunnies who used to be white with dark ears and noses who are now totally white!

  3. PolicySignificant933

    I have nothing to add except how obsessed I am with their little front stubs

  4. alohanerd

    Completely normal! Rabbits fur patterns change all the time. 1 of my 3 buns fur changes all the time, in the warmer months his fur is a light cream color, in winter he’s darker.

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