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Advice appreciated!


We adopted our baby from pets at home last month, and honestly, I guess we were a little naive into the care that goes into a rabbit. I guess the misconception comes from they are good pets for kids to own! But I’m trying so hard to educate myself a bit better!

Anyway, I did a lot of a research after we adopted him, he’s 1.5 years, on his own because of fights with his brother but I am happy to change that and try bonding later, as I know they love and need companionship.

We had a little scare with his health last night, he was not himself, acting shy, not interested in a strawberry (!!!!) so I immediately took him to the vet.

I guess I just wanted to ask those with first hand experience how I can offer the best life to my rabbit. I guess I’m looking for recommendations on the best food to give him, the best enrichment, even better pens/etc to allow more free access at all times, as opposed to keep him in during the night as I feel awful doing it!

We have opened the crate all day to allow him to free roam the livingroom, I feed him Timothy hay and little pellets, as well as his veg every day. I’ve moved from pets at home hay to burgess hay too.

I think we’re going to move his living space into the spare bedroom and bunny-proof all the areas of the living room which are currently blocked off.

I just want to educate myself to give him the best quality of life I possibly can 🥺.

by Erintraynor2911

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