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Anyone experienced naughty behaviour with their buns as they’ve gotten older?

My girl, Pepper, is about 9 now. She’s got arthritis that’s being treated ongoing with the specialist vet, but she’s recently been acting out like she did when she was young. Mostly just obsessively digging her litter and making a huge mess. I’ve been told this can indicate that something’s not okay, but she’s eating, drinking etc, just being a bit of a little bastard tbh.

I’m booking her in for her monthly arthritis vaccination, so will get her looked over, but could this just be a case of “grumpy old bunny” syndrome

She’s always been quite healthy apart from that. Has had minor ear infections here and there (being a lop).

We’re having an exceptionally cold winter atm, so her arthritis could potentially be playing up more with the cold. We’ve been keeping the heaters on round the clock, but our place is quite hard to keep super warm. (Our electricity bills have been heinous).

by superfizz6

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