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Outdoor bunnies

Hi all. I just moved into a new neighborhood a few months ago and now that it’s summer I’m frequently seeing 3 different bunnies running around my yard everyday. I love them. My dog just passed away on Friday so these bunnies have been cheering me up a bit.

I have some “Wild Harvest Trail Treats” I’ve been throwing out there for them to eat for the past few weeks and they seem to like it. (I guess it could be the birds or squirrels eating it though) But, I was wondering if I could be doing more? If I build a little enclosure for them and leave a cup of water and treats, do you think they’d go in there? Like just a little place for them to take shelter if the weather is bad. They could stay dry and have some water and treats?

Do outdoor bunnies work that way, or do they just raw dog it and prefer living in nature? Sorry if this is the wrong sub or a silly question. I have no clue how outdoor bunnies live their lives or where they sleep or anything like that. Just want to give them a home outdoors.

Open to any suggestions. Thanks in advance

by DirtyyMilkk

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