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Trying to bond my rabbits but they fight at sunset and sunrise.

A year ago I sent Flooper (smaller one) (6M) and Calvin(3M) to be bonded together. Unfortunately a month after bonding they had a fight and due to personal circumstances I couldn’t keep them housed together and keep an eye on them all the time. I am now in a position to do and they have been having weekly dates for a year and have been side by side all that time. During the year Flooper has been diagnosed as blind, he had a very small amount of vision. He also has reoccurring sore hocks due to his home before me, I ot him at 18 months old) On Thursday I started 24/7 bonding. There has been lots of grooming and flops.

2 nights ago Calvin started humping and mounting Flooper and until last night this was only occasionally and Flooper didn’t mind. It looked like they were working out who is boss. At sunset last night Calvin tried to mount Flooper and they started circling a lot, Flooper pulled out some hair but they made up. My boyfriend did pull Flooper out for a few moments. This morning at sunrise i woke up to them circling frantically. I used a divider to break it up and watched them and found that flooper was being quite defensive of his space. I ended up having to separate them and put them back in side by side housing. (I don’t know if this was that best move but i really needes to sleep) They just kept starting again as soon as Calvin approached Flooper.

by SillySecurity6404

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