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Bunny not eating. Is he mad?

My bunny was really mad at us last night for brushing him that he even peed on the carpet, which he never does. At bed time, he literally would not go in his cage. We had to chase him around for 30 minutes to get him to go to bed. Usually, we shake the treat bag and he goes right in. Anyway he was all fine, eating the treats, etc.

This morning, I gave him breakfast as usual but he ran away, kicking his feet like he was still mad. Whatever. I went to the gym, and I came home 2 hours later, and he still hadn’t eaten any of his breakfast which is unusual for him. I brought the bowl to him, but he showed no interest. I even brought in a carrot because he loves carrots, but he wouldn’t take it. I’ve never seen him refuse a carrot. We even tried to give him a treat, and he wouldn’t take it. He’s just hiding inside his little hutch, hiding. Which is normal. It’s his safe space and he likes to nap in there every day.

Is it possible he could just be really mad at us? Should I call a vet or wait and see if he eats soon? If it helps, he has been shedding, but we’ve been brushing him every 3 days and he’s been eating normally until 3 hours ago as far as I know. I filled his hay feeder last night and it appears at least some of it was touched.

by SomeoneToYou30

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