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Sad bun parent looking for help :) bun butt for reward

I’ve been fostering (with intent to adopt) my floofy bun since November ❤️ a few months into having her, she had to get her front teeth removed.

She is eating fine, fully recovered, and a happy/ healthy bun, but I’m having one problem that has me really torn about adopting her (which breaks my heart).

The problem: due to not having her front teefs, she is having trouble eating her cecotropes. The vet said it may improve, and it has a bit (she does manage to eat parts of them). But basically, every day I wake up to smears of cecotropes all over her enclosure, and usually she flops in the smears, so I have to give her little sink baths (which she HATES).

She is free roam a lot of the time too, so the smears are also happening around the house (and I’ve stepped in a few in bare feet which has been disgusting lol). It’s not that it’s just poo, but man, they are foul smelling and really hard to clean if I don’t find them right away.

The amount of time (cleaning, laundry, bun baths) is a lot (on top of regular bunny maintenance), and I’m struggling.

That being said, I love her, the thought of giving her back makes me cry, but the thought of signing up for 10 years of this also has made me cry.

So basically just crying surrounded in poo lol.

I’ve found fabric that seems to be easier for her to grasp and eat them from, but still not a day goes by without the foul smears…

Any advice would be so appreciated or even similar stories.

Thanks for reading my long rant❤️

by Judge-Snooty

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