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Bunnies in my pot in my front yard

Hi everyone,

I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this, if there’s a better sub please let me know.

Approximately around June 15th, a rabbit gave birth in a plant pot in the front of my house. The mom has been taking care of them coming in the morning and in the night probably. They’re pretty big now and we’re getting concerned about how they’re going to get out of the pot. We’re not sure if we should wait a certain amount of time and then try to take them out ourselves. We want to avoid disrupting them as much as possible. If anyone has some advice that would be helpful! We’re in Ontario, Canada if that makes a difference as well.

I’ve attached pictures of them so you can see what I mean. My mom put other plants around the pot so that they don’t hit the concrete if they jump out. Because they wouldn’t be able to see where they’re jumping to. Not sure if this was the correct thing to do.

I’ve posted in the r/Wildliferehab as well. Just looking for advice.

by FlimsyGlass4442

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