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Found juvenile bunny rabbit tangled in weeds, help!

So, I found this lil guy with his hind legs all tangled up in weeds, at first it almost looked like his neck was broken because he was in such bad shape. I got him some water immediately, it seemed like he drank some but was definitely struggling so I’m not sure, I brought him inside put him in a crate full of hay, brought more water to his lil mouth and again seemed like he struggled but probably drank some, and left lettuce and carrots as well as a water bowl in his crate. There’s been some improvement, he can keep his head up now, but his head seems to be stuck to one side of his body (it has changed sides) and he still can’t stand up after a few hours, did the lil guy have a heat stroke? Is there anything else I can do? I have since added a towel for him to lay on and chopped up carrots and lettuce right in front of him if he can manage to eat

by Sargentb98

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