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I just lost my baby girl

My sweet and crazy girl I will always love you so much.
I will miss you forever and you will always be in my heart.
Wherever you are now, know that I will always love you, and I wish I could have done better.

Love, Mama.

Cherish and hug your babies always.
We lost her so suddenly. She was 3.

I found her laying on her side and when I picked her up, she kicked a little and her head wad tilting. We rushed her to the vet immediately but she passed in my arms on the way.

She had always been sick. She was prone to losing weight and having a blockage in her system, no matter what we did differently. Despite that she was always so full of life. Dragging household item around like it owed her money.

She left behind a bother. A brother who you could not separate from her.
They’ve been together since birth, and had never been separated.

I don’t know how to show him she’s gone. He won’t understand. I’m afraid of how it’ll affect him.

by WasabiFormal2915

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