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Rehoming my perfect boy (Los angeles)

It’s come to the point where for years now I’ve debated on rehoming him. I bought him impulsively two years ago and I didn’t realize the responsibility, time and space it takes to own a rabbit. I’ve been putting off trying to rehome him because I don’t want to put him in a shelter or have him go some place that I’m unsure about. I also love him so it makes me sad thinking about giving him up. I’ll be traveling more frequently and I have no friends that can watch him because they all work and I don’t trust leaving him with people who aren’t educated on rabbits. It costs way too much to board him and in this economy it’s too much of an extra expense right now. He’s perfect, litter box trained, has a great personality and is independent. He’s unfixed because I haven’t been able to justify spending 1k+ on it right now. I guess I’m making this post to see if anyone would be willing to take him. I know that if he was fixed he would do well with other rabbits and probably bond rather quickly since the people at the boarding place told me he loved being close to them through the fence. If you have any suggestions on where I could bring him or how to go about it too let me know. 🙁 ❤️

by Bluishreddish

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