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How long could it take for fizz to trust me?

This is my bunny fizz he is a rescue kind of before I got him he was going to be hmm how do I say this where I won’t get removed he lived outside with his family his whole life in cages with wire bottoms and he is half New Zealand when he was being separated from his mother He slipped away and got out and was loose for about a month, I asked the owner if I could catch him could I have him and he agreed so now I have him he’s not petrified of me he just does not like me know him at all or touching him especially, I have a few claw marks from him he needs his nails trim but he does not like being handled at all and I don’t really know how to calm him down, all of my other rabbits are pretty chill with being handled at least for a short period of time

by LifeguardComplex3134

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