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My bunny is dragging her hind legs.

She’s almost 8. She has room sized pen inside. I thought she had fallen off her ramp to her hay so I closed that off and made everything 1 level. Took her to the Dr and they x-ray her. No visible injuries. She’s been unable to urinate on her own for about a year and is on meloxicam 2x day for arthritis in her left from limb that had been dislocated in 2 places and multiple foot broken bones. She seemed recovered for 3 days them Friday night her back left leg was the primary problem and she was on her back. She now drags her back end. My vet is on vacation until the 8th. What to you all recommend? She is drinking and eating but less. I don’t want her suffering. She’s my baby but my vet isn’t available. Ty in advance

by ExceptionallyFound

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