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How can I improve my blind rabbit’s quality of life?

To be brief, my bunny Lenny had to have an Enucleation (total removal) on both eyes and is totally blind. We keep her in a large 7.5 X 7.5 foot pen and we occasionally leave the gate open for her to come out on her own, but she typically prefers to stay inside. She gets around really well In her cage, she spends most of the day running laps around her cage like a little nascar bunny.

I’m always worried that we could somehow be giving her a better life. We can’t get another bunny (per our vet’s recommendation) because Lenny has EC and It makes me so sad to think that she might be lonely. She spends most of the day splooted or running around, and we take her out of her pen several times a day to cuddle her which she loves. She bruxes often. She also gets a diverse selection of greens every day with a rotation of other veggies mixed in. She has stacking cups, a dig mat, and some assorted oxbow twine balls that she mostly ignores.

Any ideas on toys that would add more enrichment in her life? She really likes folding blankets and digging. Or can anyone provide links for materials for a dig box? Lenny would love that, but when I start to research what exactly to buy, I get overwhelmed at times.

Thanks In advance!

by throwaycuzyallcrazy

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