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New Rabbit Owner

First time rabbit owner! I grew up with chinchillas so I thought I was a little more prepared, but now am starting to feel guilty.
We adopted (not bought) a 5 y/o lionsmane.
I’m very aware of their excersise needs, nutrition ECT.
My main stress is her cage. I got the largest cage available, but feel like it’s just not enough. Floorspace is definitely a limitation, and free roam is not an option as we have dogs. (Again aware of the excersise needs and will be implementing a crate/rotate system, as well as structured, supervised time out together down the line). I know tiered kennels are intended for climbing rodents, and that rabbits can hurt themselves if they were to fall. Could I potentially purchase another kennel of the same size and cut out a smaller hole to implement a “second” tier where I could put more enrichment and hides? Would that be safe to implement?
I’m also trying to remind myself that she will be loved and in a better home than most rabbits, but I still want to do the most I can.

by CrystalBrowser

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