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12 yo and healthy!! I’m so happy!!!

Hi! I went to the vet Thursday with Flopsy. She’s 12 and I haven’t been able to get her to the vet in way too long. I have 1 yo twins so the last 18 months have been really hard. My health took a hit and then postpartum depression and anxiety hit hard. I was finally able to get an exotic vet to take a look at her. After the exam it was concluded: muscle atrophy in the lower back, possible disk issu because of arthritis. She’s on a med (basicly a treat) daily. Her ears are not the best because I didn’t know it needed to be cleaned. She got her nails clipped, otherwise, she’s healthy!! I haven’t done the blood test and x-ray yet. I wanted to see how it would go. The vet told me he expected her to be in way worse shape. I’m SO happy! I was so anxious! The risk of her dying of stress in the car, at the vet, on the way home, at home. The anger and shit I would have to deal with from her being so mad. But nothing! She was sleeping in the cage. I thought she was dead. And she’s been acting like herself and even maybe a but happier since!

So yeah! My 12 year old Flopsy is healthy! I’m so happy! I was expecting at least some bad news and at worse needing to put her down, but instead, I have a very healthy baby! I love her so much, even if she barely tolerates me being in her castle (aka the entire house)

by UselessHuman1

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