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It was in front of the bowl of pellets. I can’t tell if the pellets got wet or something maybe?

by starlit_sorrow


  1. MegamuffinChip

    It’s wet pellets 😆. They tend to expand then crumble a bit

  2. George_Mallory

    Those are just some wet pellets. Listen, you have a bigger problem: you need to get a new pellet supplier. Those seeds play havoc with rabbit digestive systems. Good timothy hay pellets should be timothy hay and nothing else. Pellets should also be used only in moderation. Unlimited timothy **hay** is where it’s at. Eating only pellets can mess with that precious rabbit gut microbiome. It can also cause weight gain and obesity. Rabbits should get less than a quarter-cup of pellets per day, and they are perfect for use as common treats. Think of them less like animal feed and more like currency in a video game that has your rabbit as its protagonist.

    But seriously, you gotta get rid of those seeds ASAP. Rabbit guts are a seed-free zone, no matter what the pet store chains may claim. Seeds cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal stasis—the bane of every rabbit owner.

    r/Rabbits has a ton of information resources for new rabbit owners. It’s also got a ton of information resources for seasoned veteran rabbit owners—it’s got a ton of resources in general, really. If you’ve never been there, I recommend that you check it out. The redditors over there are passionate about the health and wellbeing of the rabbits posted on the sub. If you want to treat your rabbit with the respect that you would give a dog or a cat, they will teach you how. If they start yelling at you, please keep in mind that they are very anxious about your bunny’s quality of life and health, and instead of taking offense, do as they say. Your bunny will live longer and you will be happier because you get to have them longer.

  3. Unhinged-Bunny

    Wet pellets. They grow. When moistened. With anything…. wet. Including bun wee.

  4. SomeoneToYou30

    As everyone else said, wet pellets. The bigger issue is the seeds. Bunnies shouldn’t eat seeds!

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